For many businesses, day to day work takes place in an environment where high risk is present. In some cases, this risk takes the form of dealing with highly explosive materials — from airports and boiler rooms to research institutions and petrochemical facilities. The individuals working in these facilities know that safety is of the utmost importance. That is why they rely on blast shields for protection from high-pressure explosions and flying debris.
But blast shields have another important use: pressure testing blast containment.

Pressure Testing Blast Containment
For manufacturers of high-pressure equipment, initial proof testing is a critical step in building equipment. Many rely on steel or concrete bunkers to protect workers during high-pressure testing. For some, however, this is not a cost-effective solution — and even when bunkers are in use in manufacturing facilities, there is rarely one on-site when the equipment leaves manufacturing to be assembled.
Some job sites construct makeshift shields from wood and make sure personnel are as far away from the site of pressure testing as possible. However, in the event of an explosion or flying debris, these methods provide ineffective blast containment and do very little to protect individuals on the job site or the surrounding properties.
High-Pressure Testing Enclosures
What is the solution? For those interested in a cost-effective blast containment system that is lightweight and effective, TM International blast shields are a clear choice when it comes to pressure testing safety. They are incredibly effective as a means of containing flying debris and explosive overpressure.
Our blast shields offer exceptional protection and blast containment in the event of equipment failure during pressure testing.
How Our Blast Shields Work
Much of the technology used to produce blast shields is still emerging and developing. At TM International, you can have peace of mind in the knowledge that you are getting a product that works. Our blast shields and walls are produced with patented wire rope construction for durability, flexibility and — of course — safety.
Our blast shield uses 5/8" galvanized IWRC wire rope and absorbs up to 6,500 J/cm2 of energy. The result is peak blast pressure lowered by as much as 50 to 80 percent. Our blast shields also act as vents to protect personnel from any hazardous fumes produced during high-pressure testing.
How do we know our blast shields work? At TM International, we conduct rigorous testing on all of our products. During our testing, TM International blast shields and walls were able to sustain a series of 9,000-psi air blasts — that amount of intensity is equivalent to that of a bomb going off.
The TM International Advantage
Our blast shields are the most efficient, cost-effective product on the market. Steel and concrete bunkers can certainly provide adequate protection for explosions and projectiles during high-pressure testing, but the cost is high. The construction process is also lengthy, and they cannot be transported to different job sites. Our blast shields can — they are designed to be adaptable for any job site or property. They are easy to transport and lightweight without compromising on protection.
The construction of our blast panels also allows you to link multiple panels together for total protection and blast containment during pressure testing. And unlike some other high-pressure testing enclosures, our blast shields at TM International are also environmentally friendly and recyclable.
Since 1909, TM International has been protecting assets against storms, equipment failures and other unforeseen circumstances. We take safety seriously — and we know your business does, too.
Save Lives and Protect Properties
Make safety a priority in your next high-pressure testing project and protect your most valuable assets — especially personnel.
Contact TM International to request a quote for a system of our patented blast shields and walls to create a high-pressure testing enclosure on your job site, and take advantage of our worldwide shipping. For any questions or additional assistance, call us at 718-842-0949 for more information. We look forward to assisting you in saving lives and protecting assets in your company's endeavors.